Becoming Human… a community writing practice

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing There is a field. I’ll meet you there.” - Rumi

Becoming Human…a community writing practice encourages powerful truth telling and poignant witnessing; it is an invitation to tell our stories.

Using poetry to open the door to our personal stories, we free-write from a jump-off line, word, image or memory. We summon the creative muse and invite her deep wisdom and grace to come through our pens.

Listening deeply to ourselves and keeping pen to page, we write quickly and imperfectly, bypassing our inner critic.  After each write, we share with others.  This intimate sharing of our imperfect and unedited selves connects us more deeply to ourselves and to each other; it is a holy exchange.

Why do I write?  I write because life is hard, messy and over-whelming.  I write because life is precious and full of wonder.  I write because it unlocks something inside of me and helps me access a deeper and truer me; it helps me remember who I am.  Writing softens me and invites me to accept myself - all of me - the thriving parts and those parts I have exiled.